Procedures for Every Neck Concern

The neck can be one of the first places to show aging. Getting rid of fat due to genetics or weight gain can be nearly impossible with diet and exercise alone. A slender, sculpted neck can highlight your features and frame the face. Sometimes something extra might be required to get you there. Whatever your goals and … Continue reading Procedures for Every Neck Concern

Men can Combat a Double Chin with Kybella

Do you find wearing fitted collars uncomfortable, or feel self-conscious when wearing suits and ties? A double chin can cause many men to feel uncomfortable wearing certain clothing items, as well as cause an aged appearance. If you are tired of living with stubborn chin fat, Kybella may be the answer. What is Submental Fullness? … Continue reading Men can Combat a Double Chin with Kybella

Ask the Doctor: How Does Kybella Work?

Many adults across the U.S. suffer from a double chin, also known as submental fullness. While some people develop a double chin over the years, others simply have one their entire life due to genetics. In the past, invasive surgery such as liposuction has been the only option to eliminate stubborn fat beneath the chin. … Continue reading Ask the Doctor: How Does Kybella Work?

Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin

Kybella™ is an effective alternative to any procedure that provides a solution to submental fullness, or commonly known as a double chin. Kybella is an FDA-approved injection that melts away excess chin fat, improving the chin’s contour and ridding yourself of a double chin. Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring … Continue reading Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin